Kimchi Omelet with Pinole Blue Tortillas
“Who is the current president of the United States?” George Bush. Who is the first president of the United States? George Washington. How many states are in the United States? Fifty.I was sitting on the my grandmother’s bed, quizzing her for her upcoming Us citizenship test. Hanging on the wall behind her was the picture I’d drawn for her years before—a tree branch laden with persimmons. My grandmother loved persimmons. Hahlmuhnee was a refugee from North Korea and for her, safety meant growing your own food, so wherever we lived, she planted a garden. We always had chilis, perilla leaves, corn, tomatoes, squash. Looking at my mom’s face, the faces of my aunt, uncle, cousins, my brother, I liked to think that even though she never got around to planting a persimmon tree, that in some ways, she cultivated something even sweeter than the rubied fruit of her homeland. One of the final things my 82 year old grandmother did before she died was to plant her roots here in the US by earning her right to vote as an American citizen.

My friends over at Pinole Blue–a small family owned business that makes tortilla out of the legendary “pinole” featured in Born to Run–sent me over some tortillas. I was immediately inspired to try my take on the “breakfast tacos” that was featured on their TikTok.
I used JUSTEgg, of course, for the egg part, and it turned out rather beautifully. The caramelized kimchi tasted so good with the egg and the tortillas.
Quick Tips
- If you want an easy way to grate cheese, throw your regular non-dairy cheese slices into the freezer. When they are frozen into a big block, thaw them for about 5 minutes. They are then the perfect consistency for grating.
- Allow the JUSTEgg to cook by pulling the liquid from the edges with a wooden spoon or chopsticks.
Kimchi Omelet with Pinole Blue Tortillas
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 tbsp sesame oil
- 1/4 cup kimchi
- 1 scallion (chopped)
- 1 tsp sweetener
- 4 tbsp grated non-dairy cheese
- 1/2 container JUSTEgg
- 1 1/2 slice non-dairy cheese
- 4 pinole blue tortilla
- Add olive oil and sesame oil to a sautee pan. When the oil is hot, add kimchi and scallions. Cook until the kimchi begins to soften (around 3 minutes).
- Deglaze the pan with sweetener. Add grated cheese and then the JUSTEgg.
- Place slices of more cheese over the JUSTEgg mixture and then top that gently with a tortilla.
- Gently pull the edges of the JUSTEgg from the pan and when it is nearly cooked, flip the omelet, so that it is tortilla side down.
- Add more grated cheese over the omelet.
- Add 1 whole tortilla over the middle of the omelet. Add tortilla halves around the edges, so that the entire omelet is now covered in tortilla.
- Slice into 4 pieces and serve.